Tuesday, December 27, 2022

The World is a Sham

I want to encourage you to give your life today. Tomorrow may not come. There is a fire coming to this world. Ask Jesus to turn you UPRIGHT again. Allow you to be made whole. 

He heals the broken hearted and comforts the weary. 

Besides the heavens rejoice when you decide to return back to your Creator. He loves you more than you could ever know. 

Video Notes:
The TRUTH ... Is the Inversion of the LIE, And The Lie is the Inversion of the TRUTH
Jonathan's videos can also be found on these other venues:
Odysee (new channel):  https://odysee.com/@CoryBarbee:8
Odysee (old channel):  https://odysee.com/@thejonathankleck:b
Internet Archive:  tinyurl.com/4rfrt8wa
To view or download all ofJonathan's video and images see the links below:
Jonathan Kleck's video archives: https://tinyurl.com/2d8d2j8n
Jonathan Kleck's Show Notes (new gallery): https://www.show-notes.net/thisistheend/
Jonathan Kleck's Show Notes (old gallery):  https://tinyurl.com/jrmhsftn
Addeddate 2022-07-16 08:27:38

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Sunday, May 10, 2020

What It's Like To Believe Everything 'The Media' Tells You(Mirrored)

If your child gets sick take them to the apple store. If you need to get out and go to the store you better ask someone cause they know better than you what you should do with your life. Yeah, if you think your smart enough to make your own decisions your in need of psychiatric help.

And, if you believe that you and your family deserve to know the truth your a conspiracy nut that needs to take it down a notch or we're gonna have you locked up...

What a great way to express how stupid people are who believe they're capable of knowing better than these politicians whose got a long history of raping woman, funding terrorists, and covering up the drug crimes. Maybe all those who believe they know the truth should tone it down a notch and join us. Soon we all will have a chip and be a part of one big happy family.

Friday, November 15, 2019

What has Just Happened ?? | Novemeber 2019 | Part 48

Matthew 24:8

7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains. 9 Then they will deliver you over to be persecuted and killed, and you will be hated by all nations on account of My name

Those who believe in the Messianic message can see the birth pangs are increasing. No matter how they are happening; they in fact are happening. And it never ceases to amaze me how people can't see (in these events) we have a Creator. Because we're told these things would happen thousands of years ago (we know that today because of the bible); Today these things spoken of by the Prophets of El Elyone, I AM, Abba Father  they're unfolding right before our eyes. 

Yet people are still blind to it. 

They still believe in theories that consistently get proven wrong. And not in the one thing that's nothing but the truth. Perplexing to say the least at times. But biblical text also tells us. 

It's not a choice really- Although we we are all entitled to one- everyone is predestined. Seeing as he knew before the foundations of the world who was his. That doesn't stop me from believing people are conscious of this choice that shapes an eternity cause it's also written:
 "my people perish for a lack of knowledge"

So here we are with the ability to keep track of world wide events, and blessed to be receiving them through the ministry of the Two Preachers, but there are still those who don't believe. There's thousands of questions to ask someone who doesn't believe just like there is thousands of reasons to mock it. Could this peril really lay in the fact that people haven't thought about the energy they are that never dies. If your energy never fully goes out what then happens to it?

Of course some could easily say reincarnation, but because biblical text has never been proven wrong, it actually in fact is dependent upon your judgement. If you have faith in Christ you will have your sins nailed to the cross. You will be allowed back into the Kingdom. And if you don't overcome the world you die a second death; sentenced to the Lake of Fire.

No matter how many of these videos come out unless those who can't see ask for eyes to see they won't see. It's my prayer that the deaf and the mute (spiritually) are blessed to have the spirit of truth touch them. Cause the time is at hand. 

Monday, July 22, 2019

6 Things Happened In The Last Few Days That Scream WWIII—10 Minute Launc...

I want to scream. 

What have I been warning everyone of?!!!

 Pressure is increasing, and knowing the way these guys do business, this war we are being warned of is at the door. It would be wise for anyone who follows me to start digging through posts I've made over the last couple of years regarding my testimony (and many other aspects of my learning) so you may have a better understanding of whats to come THIS GENERATION.  Watching these next few pieces unfold would be like a bad nightmare -if I hadn't known of them in advance- this has to be the same for you.  Unfortunately there are many of you who don't believe in what mainstream media considers to be "conspiracy theories".  And this is quite concerning to say the least.

Many of you are stuck in a realm of deep sleep. Others are only half awake. This is biblical believe it or not. Let me just show you what I mean.

Ephesians 5:14
“Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.”

I've been telling that we live in a matrix (which is also biblical) and most of those who cross my paths  believe I'm stuck in "conspiracy land" unable to tell of this statutory position we all take in this matrix (of lies). However, it's not me with the issue. It's those of you who are bound by lies, and want to continue in them, or blinded by the veil over their eyes.

Numbers 18:15 
15 Every thing that openeth the matrix in all flesh, which they bring unto the Lord, whether it be of men or beasts, shall be thine: nevertheless the firstborn of man shalt thou surely redeem, and the firstling of unclean beasts shalt thou redeem.
After having awoken to this matrix there was some sort of emotional/mental "breaking" for lack of better term. Often I say, I've deprogrammed from the lies and reprogrammed with the truth.  (interestingly enough everything I've ever learned since having accepted Imannuel as my Lord and savior goes right along with biblical text!!) Might I tell you learning this stuff has been absolutely amazing-nothing short of mind blowing- and for what's its worth priceless! The invisible God has made manifest everything in my life to support the righteous judges words that are Alpha and Omega. And since his words are absolutely perfect and can't be broken... I'm compelled by the spirit in me to open eyes and help others where they lack in knowing the truth.

Which brings me to asking you this. Are you ready to meet your maker? Are you capable of standing IN THE FIRE? For it is written:
Who can stand before His indignation? Who can endure the burning of His anger? His wrath is poured out like fire And the rocks are broken up by Him.
The warnings are coming from every direction these days. Everything that was done in darkness has now come out into the glorious light. Which means the end of all things as we know them are upon us. Are you ready? Ready to see fire coming out of the sky, locusts that's come out of the pit, and your Creator? Because whether or not your ready doesn't make a difference as to whether or not it will happen. You can rest assured that this generation will meet the Most High and stand in front of his glorious throne.

Do yourself a favor now while you still have the time- if you haven't given yourself over to the Most High God by accepting his son as your personal Lord and Savior; then begun to lay down your life and follow him- DO SO NOW!! Ask him into your life. Start reading your bible, and asking for wisdom, in order that you may have life! Your Creator is an all consuming fire.

Heed these warnings!! Don't be like those who died in the flood! So that you may be able to stand in that fire!

Genesis 6:5-7 KJV
"And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them." 
Psalms 9:17
"The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God."
Ezekiel 3:17-19
"Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me. When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand. Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul."

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

I believe this is the final warning

This 3 minute video (above) is a depiction of what will happen-just as the Prophet Jonathan Kleck has been warning-when WW3 hits. It's probably not a precise account of how this will unfold. However it is able to put in mind what is secretly embedded into the book I deciphered as well as what is written in biblical text. Allowing us to see that no one is safe from the horrors that's to come upon the face of this earth. When this happens be prepared. To do so... All you have to do is get on the rock~!

Below is a video to help you understand what the Rock is and how to get on it! 

Friday, February 1, 2019

Silent weapons for Quite wars

As a daughter to a Camp Legeune stationed veteran. During the time agent orange was being sprayed and fed to soldiers. I've suffered needlessly. Over the course of my life. I've been plagued with one illness after another. To make my situation worse. I can't ever get help from my doctors. So what I'm covering here today is very personal, and it's relevant to what I've got to say that effects each and everyone of us, not a soul is exempt!! It's my intent to keep this in laymen terms for the likes of all my readers. No way should a soul not understand the magnitude of this message. Keep in mind I'm writing from my heart, and for the love of humanity, not likes, fame, and other vain factors.

It's a known and obvious fact the military industrial complex is spraying the American people with heavy metals. Unless you ask the government or main stream media that is. You see the more we've taken notice, as to what's taking place, the more lies they come up with to obscure our vision and make all of what I'm saying seem like a fairy-tale. A tactic that's long been deployed in other areas of the world such as China. According to Dominique Mosbergen at Huffingtonpost.com China's population is dropping off the map due to air not suitable to breathe, 4,400 Chinese are dying daily from what they call "air-pollution." According to a California-based organization focusing on climate research nearly 1.6 million die a year from pollution alone. This data includes China, Taiwan, and South Korea and will be posted here for review. What's even more disturbing is the Chinese people simply can't speak up and out because they did what we are now doing; ignoring the problems we face.

Many a moons ago a task to take on "climate change" began, and we found ourselves with more and more clouds that simply weren't normal. The methods used have been heavily researched and documented by scientists across the globe. Which tell of carbon dioxide buildup that results in "global warming." Trusting a government who has lied over and over with no recourse is about as stupid as smoking crack. The central issue at the core of this problem is the endless amounts of lies we've been told. And these lies are mounting daily. Around the globe information is being supressed to keep us from coming to the truth of all things. It's imperative for us to understand why these lies are perpetuated in order to gain a perspective that envelopes truth. Issues aimed to cover up are larger than the events surrounding C I A attack on the W T C. 

In my opinion. America is at the fore-front of any and all cover-ups. Russian Leader Putin made comments on this very subject concerning our media. And yet many people still find what I've been sharing "crazy". And I'm honestly saying. It's those of you who refuse to look into the things-that I've spoken on over the last year-that are delusional, self-absorbed, and absolutely insane!

You see a rogue group of people have permeated every aspect of our daily lives, and aim to achieve, a Machiavellian plan to wipe out humanity. Which is written in 8 different languages on the Georgia Guide-stones. 

By poisoning your food, water, air, and even hygiene products. This criminal minded, elite set of organizations, come together at the top of the pyramid. And in essence are just a handful of people. Most people are totally oblivious to factual information regarding institutional lies served up to people by the very ones who are supposed to protect us. Right now the Arctic Ocean is warming at levels unprecedented, and not because of our cars, and manufacturing plants, or even green house gases as they put it! It's because of the chemicals these military industrial complex planes are spraying over head along with NASA. In China if someone wants the truth- and tries to visit websites that could provide such- people are jailed because sights like Youtube, Facebook, and Instagram are banned! And this is what they are trying to do here in America. Slowly but surely the truth is being censored and cut out because they want total control in order to achieve world domination. How is it that we the people are concerned with things that make no difference if we are dead? And not concerned about the things we have the options to change? For instance, many of you will read this message and refuse to share it. But if a good looking man/woman is flaunting ass and titties you will share that! Why?

What are you people waiting on? For them to strip every god given right we were raised on? Or worse for it to effect you and your loved ones? My mother died at 60 because of cancer. A disease manufactured and perpetuated through the vacinnes, 5g towers, and even your cell phones! Along with bad air quality, carcinogens in our food, and even our water supplies. But many of my friends were dead before 40! My health suffers tremendously at the hands of these dirty deeds that was covered up by our military industrial complex and companies like Monsanto. Do you all not realize that by doing simple things like watching Fox, CNN, and other main stream outlets we are saying this is ok? Do you not realize that by banding together and coming up against these companies by doing something as simple as not watching anymore we can stop these criminal activities?

There are 153.4 million births a year but there are 55.3 million people dying too. The vaccinations are causing the birth rates to go down as well. This is all a systematic design developed to strategically reduce the population so the people at the top can enjoy life without you or I!! Replacing us with robots! This isn't a conspiracy. The conspiracy lies in the fact that you still believe these reporters on Fox and every other main stream media outlet. The conspiracy lies in the fact that they are developing every narrative under the sun to keep your eyes from fixating on the real problem. Racism, sex, parties, religious issues, and even scandals like R Kelley's to cipher money out of the people. But you flock to that crap and even promote it in your daily activities all while pushing these very Vitale issues to the back burner.

Are you people seriously ok with being silent and trusting that the government would do no such thing? While they strip your rights away like those in China? Then find in 5 years that Americans are dying at the same rate as the Chinese? Are you that taken back by vanity and pure ignorance that you will refuse to look at things from every angle? Are you that docile and lame that you would trust the very people who poisoned me, my father, my uncle, my little cousin, niece, and millions others over 40 years ago? Do you know they can't operate on this level without you or me? Do you realize we still have enough power to fight back right now? Screw the aliens and robotic advancements that take up all your leisure time! Screw a football, baseball, or basketball game! None of that will make a difference if you are full of cancer and sick! Many of us have families and small children. How do you think this is effecting them? Does it even matter to you?

Or are you stuck in a world of greed, lust, and vanity caring about nothing more than yourself?

Only people with a heart for humanity and half a brain would realize time to stand up is either now or never....

I bet the masses your asses will do the slave deeds you have been programmed to do... File taxes, spread hate, and your legs, and refute the obvious!

NBC NEWS is telling you The U.S. death rate rose last year, and 2017 will likely be the third straight year of decline in American life expectancy, according to preliminary data.

Yet your so caught up, and unaware, self absorbed and unable to care... That your already dead and don't even know it

Non-hybrid Seeds at Wise Food Storage

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Disease is on the Rise and it's only January...

We find ourselves in a peril not knowing where it comes from or even why it's happening when we aren't in the loop with all things. The truth is not fear mongering. Nor is it made to make people fear anything. But it is stranger than fiction. Especially when you have people like Bill Gates talking about depopulation and many American's looking up to him as a successful man. Forcing you to vaccinate yourself, and if you don't, blame you for an outbreak they conjured up, and released on the people. Yes! I am one to be certain "they" do these things. In order to weaken and kill the population off because they believe the planet has too many people. Even blaming their weather creating climate change devices on the American people! Saying we are the cause of these things and essentially need to be exterminated. These are some crazy crazy people we are dealing with. That are in the highest levels of each one of our governments. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.

Back in 2018, Bill Gates was warning of a disease that could kill off nearly 30 million people in 6 months. They been thinking about depopulation methods. Remember the Georgia Guidestones? Here is what they say:

  1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
  2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
  3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
  4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
  5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
  6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
  7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
  8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
  9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
  10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

The first commandment on that stone is completely unreal. How does anyone plan to kill off over 7 billion people? Who would even plan this anyhow? It's built on government property, and by the Freemason's, does that tell you anything? Do you see the statement's I've included out of leaders and people in positions of power? You can't make this mess up people! I didn't build the stones! It's people in power! So we must watch what they are saying and doing. And take it to heart!

After all the warnings last year about their Orwellian plan to create order out of Chaos. People should have spent some time doing their homework and know this by now. But I see many of you still believe life is just peaches and cream. But, it's not! There are some serious things being done to each one of us! The chemicals they are spraying overhead is just one of the silent weapons they are using to finalize their plans. When they attack our Nation. People will be sick and unable to fight their best fight. Another systematic design. Please think about keeping your health up. Many beers, liquors, soda's and even organic foods are not good for your body. Many beefs and chickens are being fed antibiotics making our resistance low. Now disease's are on the rise. Fulfilling the sick statement of Bill Gates, who only made the announcement to protect the upper echelon with "warnings" of what their sinister plan is. Here it is not even January and outbreaks are on the rise! Listen to what JW tv has to say about this unfortunate rise in disease.

  I've personally used Dr. Natura's product with some phenomenal results! As an agent orange baby this product worked miracles in my life when I've been the sickest! Thanks for reading and if you haven't already done so get with The Creator and Repent! The Kingdom of God is at hand!  

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

The Destruction of New York City

This video is a build up and another video in conjunction with the first one put out by Jonathan Kleck showing how this "system" we live in works.

What's fascinating to watch is these unfold since 2018. Because every bit he says is true and not made up. It's all proven out. The recent scripture video's are simply irrefutable. No matter what a person "thinks" I know this is the truth. I've followed Jonathan since 2008, and I tell ya what, I didn't know what to think. But the spirit would say, "just keep watching"... I did and I can't refute anything this man says. Plus, I added prayer and fasting, to be shown he is the prophet spoken of in Acts 3:21-23.

JK has totally changed my life and the way I view TMH through his obedience. I was able to be changed through the scripture's. If you refuse yourself these truths I'm positive it will be the biggest mistake you've ever made! I know it's hard to believe information but all of our members are deceiving and this is in fact the truth. My heart mind and soul said that goes against everything I was ever taught. But my spirit said you need this watch. The more I watched the more my chains began to fall off. Please get on that rock. Stop waiting till tomorrow. Because, tomorrow may not come, and it's only one way into the pearly gates. The way is narrow and not easy but it leads to eternal life. 

Heaven and Hell is very real people.

Here is a comment left on the JW channel off YOUTUBE by AquaLG

Americans won't sustain the real agenda which is preparing for a war with Russia and China? Who are massing troops in Venezuela. Confirmed Intel has shown that a fleet of warships have congregated right off the Venezuela cost and this aint no drill. Maritime satellites have confirmed this intel. Either way this caravan invasion is a distraction and something malevolent is coming cause th democrats aka NWO globalists are gonna execute their #agenda whether they lose the elections or not. Losing will probably speed up their plans tho. Americans need to arm themselves and stockpile provisions. Stop buying into this racist agenda #propaganda that's had the USA #divided for too long. 

Glenn, A fellow Servant writes:
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge cause thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, Hosea 4:6. People please wake up, wise up, and look up and DO NOT take your eyes off Obama. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the EIGTH and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. Rev 17:11 (KJV) We're on the eve of major changes in the world as the first seal of seven is about to be opened by the lamb of the Lord God with a loud noise of thunder. Michael the Archangel, the Restrainer of 2 Thessalonians 2:7 is about to be taken out of the way. Which means the Lord God's protective hand is about to be removed from the earth. All helming is about to break out as the Man of Sin,(The Antichrist beast Obama) is about to be fully revealed. Very soon we will wake up to the news reporting that the U.S. is involved in an all-out war against Russia China, Iran, Syria, Venezuela and North Korea to name a few. In Rev. 6:8 we see one uarter of the worlds population will die during this war. And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and hell followed with him. And the power was given unto them over the Fourth part of the Earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. Rev. 6:8 and when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. Luke 21:20 Please keep an eye on the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem because it will soon be destroyed by The Lord Gods enemies with a noise of thunder heard in heaven. (see Rewv 6:1-2) This is when we will see out of chaos come the antichrist Obama returning to power with the implementation of Satan's New World Order. The Sunday Sabbath, (the first day of the week) Luke-warm churches are asleep and will be caught off guard when The Messiah, (the son of Man, Faithful and True) comes as a thief in the night. Remember what Obama, (the Antichrist) said, "You will never see it coming", referring to the sudden destruction that comes when the beast possessed Antichrist, (Barak Obama) is fully revealed and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. Rev 13:5 This is why Yahushua said to "watch and Pray always to be worthy to escape these things that are coming upon the earth. Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after the things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken."Luke 21:26 The skies are being sprayed daily with toxic poisonous Chem-Trails to mask a rogue planetary system called Nibiru that is quickly approaching. The Great Red Dragonof Rev. 12:3, (Nibiru/Planet X) may be very well the sign of the Son of Man that occurs before Yahuah, Jesus Christ, The Messiah comes for his bride and then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

You see this isn't a handful of people who see this. The signs are literally every where. Don't get left behind to suffer this world's WOE's