Sunday, May 10, 2020

What It's Like To Believe Everything 'The Media' Tells You(Mirrored)

If your child gets sick take them to the apple store. If you need to get out and go to the store you better ask someone cause they know better than you what you should do with your life. Yeah, if you think your smart enough to make your own decisions your in need of psychiatric help.

And, if you believe that you and your family deserve to know the truth your a conspiracy nut that needs to take it down a notch or we're gonna have you locked up...

What a great way to express how stupid people are who believe they're capable of knowing better than these politicians whose got a long history of raping woman, funding terrorists, and covering up the drug crimes. Maybe all those who believe they know the truth should tone it down a notch and join us. Soon we all will have a chip and be a part of one big happy family.